Diet Pill Addiction

Many teenagers with eating disorders will use any means to lose weight including fad diets, laxative abuse, or taking diet pills. Appetitie suppressants can be very addictive and create a diet pill addiction. Keep reading to learn more about diet pill addiction and treatment.

When most people think of addictions, they think of illegal drugs. Some may consider cigarettes, alcohol or prescription painkillers as well, but most people don’t consider diet pills in their calculations. However, diet pills can be addictive. They often contain substances that can build a tolerance in humans, meaning that more is needed in order to feel the same effects. This is because the substances that make diet pills effective are usually stimulants.

Stimulants can help speed up the metabolism, helping to burn calories at a slightly higher rate. When combined with exercise, some diet pills can become even more effective. Another feature of many diet pills is that they act as appetite suppressors. The idea is that you won’t get as hungry, or that you will eat less when you are hungry. (Note, though, that some people take more diet pills because they are still eating. This is dangerous because emotional eaters will not be affected by appetite suppressants because they are not eating due to hunger; their eating is psychological.)

Some of the stimulants present in many diet pills include phenylpropranolamine, ephedrine and caffeine. All of these substances can also be addictive. Even caffeine, which we are familiar with due to coffee, chocolate, soda and other food items, can be addictive. Your body can build up a dependence on it, needing it to function properly. This can actually happen with diet pills. Even over the counter diet pills can cause a dependence in your body. Once you have a diet pill addiction, chances are that you will need help to overcome it.

Problems Arising from Diet Pill Addiction

There are a number of problems that can arise from diet pill addiction. Some of these include the following:

  • Stomach pain
  • Menstrual irregularities (if you are a woman)
  • Depression
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Irritability
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Vomiting
  • Tremor
  • Stroke
  • Heart palpitations
  • Memory loss
  • Seizure
  • Glaucoma
  • Nerve damage

Some of these symptoms come due to withdrawal. If you have a diet pill addiction, you may need more and more of the pills in order to function properly. If you aren’t taking enough pills, you could feel some of these symptoms. Many of these symptoms come as a result of long term diet pill use.

Once you try to quit taking diet pills, you can experience severe symptoms if you are addicted. It can be difficult to quit, because like any other addiction, you will have cravings, and you will have discomfort when you are no longer taking the diet pills.

Overcoming Diet Pill Addiction

Any addiction is difficult to overcome. You might need professional help to overcome a diet pill addiction. This might include attending support group meetings, or even going to a treatment facility. Some facilities help you step down from your addiction by gradually lowering your dose of diet pills (or something similar) until you no longer need them to function. One of the most difficult and frustrating aspects of overcoming an addiction to diet pills is that you might see weight gain when you stop taking the pills. In some cases, this can lead to a relapse.

However, such methods are often supported by behavioral modification. The idea behind this method is to help you overcome an addiction by replacing it with other habits. You learn techniques to help distract you from your addiction, or you learn ways to channel the stress you feel from cravings. Having a good support system is often helpful, since it can help to know that you have support, and someone who can help you stay on the right track.

Another thing that can be helpful in overcoming a diet pill addiction is emphasis on living a healthy lifestyle. After detoxing from the diet pills, it can help to gradually learn how to eat healthily and exercise regularly. These things have been shown somewhat effective in battling addiction in general, since it provides natural and healthy ways to feel better. With diet pill addiction, it can help to develop a lifestyle that makes diet pills unnecessary, since weight gain may tempt a relapse.

It is important to be careful when taking any substance. You may begin with good intentions, planning to use diet pills to lose a little weight, but it can quickly get out of control and result in a diet pill addiction that is difficult to overcome.

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