Anorexia Statistics

Anorexia statistics reveal that the eating disorder is the third most commonly chronic illness among teens. Anorexia statistics show more and more teens are facing the battle with this eating disorder. Keep reading to learn more about anorexia statistics.

Unfortunately the numbers of teens diagnosed with anorexia is not going down. Most recent anorexia statistics are showing about 5 percent of all teen females have anorexia. This equates to about seven to 10 million teens, girls and young women in the United States that have an eating disorder.  About one million men and boys suffer from anorexia.  Even with treatment about 2 to 3 percent of those with anorexia die. Without treatment about 20 percent of people with eating disorders die.  Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate than any other type of mental illness. 

Anorexia Statistics:

The number of anorexia statistics can be difficult to determine the exact amount. However, trends in anorexia statistics show an increase especially among adolescent teens because only about one in ten people with eating disorders actually seek out treatment. There are also varying forms of anorexia and the other eating disorders. Out of the small amount of teens females who actually do seek treatment, about 80 percent do not get the intensity of therapy and treatment they need to make a full recovery. Other anorexia statistics include:

  • Out of the individuals who do seek treatment, only about 60 percent make a full recovery.
  • 20 percent of the treated make a partial recovery, which means they may be able to hold a job and maintain some superficial relationships. These individuals still remained very concentrated on their food and weight. This partial recovery also means they might still abuse laxatives or diet pills.
  • The final 20 percent will stay dangerously underweight and generally end up frequently in the hospital, in and out of treatment centers and other programs. These are typically the ones who are unable to beat anorexia and suffer fatal complications as a result. 
  • The average age of a person diagnosed with anorexia is at age 17, according to anorexia statistics. 

What is anorexia?

Getting down to the science of anorexia, we found that anorexia nervosa is one of the three most common types of eating disorders facing men and women of all ages, but mostly affecting teen females as the primary group of those diagnosed with anorexia. This eating disorder is classified as being when the person refuses to maintain a healthy body weight and has an obsessive fear of gaining weight. Distorted body image often occurs along side of anorexia. The person with the disease refuses to eat or drink the proper nutrients they need to be healthy. There are many symptoms with anorexia. Some of the most common include a refusal to eat, obsession with weight and weight loss, excessive exercise, becoming dangerously underweight, rapid weight loss, wearing baggy clothing, acts depressed or withdrawn. For many anorexia can be a life-long battle and will end in death due to complications from the illness. For about 30 percent of those who have anorexia, the disease can last about one to five years. Another 30 percent has documented as lasting about six to 10 years, according to recent anorexia statistics. 

How to treat anorexia?

Treating anorexia and doing it properly and early is one of the best ways to bring down the numbers in these anorexia statistics. Prevention by educating young girls on the threats of the illness and promoting a healthy body image is necessary in helping those at risk for being a victim of anorexia. When treating anorexia nervosa, the primary goal is to help the patient change their way of thinking by addressing the psychological issues related to the disorder and to get them to a healthy weight level. It is also important to get change the behaviors and thoughts the person originally thought and practiced prior to treatment. Treatment usually takes place in a treatment center, and can cost upwards of $100,000 for the entire course of treatment. Treatment requires therapy and counseling as well as recommendations from a doctor or dietician to help those understand the severity of their anorexic lifestyle. They are given recommendations as to how and what to eat to help them change their behaviors to battle and eventually overcome anorexia. 


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